Born in Argentina. Studied acting at the Kibbutzim College. She made her debut at Haifa Theater in 1985 and has since appeared in numerous shows at the Cameri Theater, Habima National Theater, Beit Lessin, Herzliya Ensemble, Rina Yerushalmi's Itim Ensemble, The Hebrew Theater and more. She performed in festivals in Israel and abroad: The Israel Festival, The Acco Fringe Festival, The Short Theater Festival, The Holon Women's Festival and the The Teatronetto. She appeared in films and TV series. Among her most distinguished roles: Ophelia in Hamlet, The Doctor in Woyzeck, And He Said and He Walked directed by Rina Yerushalmi, The Child in The Child Dreams, the Torturer's Apprentice in The Beheading, The Sad Angel in Requiem, written and directed by Hanoch Levin, Antigone in Antigone and The Puppet in Ghetto directed by Gady Tzedaka. Dina was awarded the The Finkel Award for her portrayal of The Moon in Lorca's Blood Wedding at Habima National Theater, the Best Actress Award for her role as The Puppet with the Hebrew Theater's Ghetto production as well as Best Actress Award at the Beit Lessin's Play Reading Festival.